Saturday, May 3, 2014

Deserted Island List Mania: 5 Favorite Music Albums (if the island had a record player)

   The problem with a list like this is that it forces decisions. No flexibility, no bargaining, no changing once the post has been published to the web. I'm not all that good at making snap decisions, or even ones that I've had plenty of time to fret and fuss over. I have to say that I like pondering uncertainties, playing with possibilities, flexing the balance of my stance on some things. So it was a difficult undertaking to actually write this entry in the Deserted Island List Mania. I had to nail it down, no wiggling. Even the knowledge that this is a truly hypothetical list didn't help all that much. 
   But I did it anyway. These are the five music albums that always strike me - be it immediately or with the settling of several listens - in ways I can't begin to adequately describe. I would be able to play these again and again and remain satisfied. They are albums that do not flit in and out of my playing rotation; they are not fads or trendy ditties, at least not to me. I could listen to these five on repeat for all time.

In no particular order:

1. Still Bill - Bill Withers

   By declaring that this is a great pick-me-up album, I feel I might be down-playing the overall musician and craftsmanship of these songs. Bill sang about what he felt strongly for - moments of beauty mixed with truly experienced emotions. In his own words, "I write and sing about whatever I am able to understand and feel. I feel that it is healthier to look out at the world through a window than through a mirror. Otherwise, all you see is yourself and whatever is behind you."

2. Band of Gypsys Live - Jimi Hendrix, Billy Cox, & Buddy Miles

   After the dissolution of the Jimi Hendrix Experience, Jimi formed this group and the trio made their live debut at the Fillmore East on the eve of 1970. Jimi died only six months later, making this the last album he officially authorized. The original vinyl release features all new songs for the time played in front of an appreciative and excited audience. This is the one of the ultimate albums for funky, psychedelic guitar riffs. It also features a greatly talented rhythm section just trying to keep up with Jimi's free-wheeling genius.  No one could do the soul like Jimi.

3. Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea - P.J. Harvey

   This album is atmospheric and ethereal while showcasing some major lyric writing and musicianship chops. P. J., with her singular voice and sound, created an album of great cohesiveness and story. Plus its got some crunchy guitar riffs. Just awesome.

4. Songs For The Deaf - Queens of The Stone Age

   A perfect storm of heavy stoner rock mixed with catchy hooks and brilliant production, Songs For The Deaf features this band at its absolute peak. And Dave Grohl is behind the drums, where he belongs.

5. The Low End Theory - A Tribe Called Quest

   Simply awesome and accessible hip hop. This is one of the only cassettes that the tape deck in my '97 Corolla will still play, so let's just say I have intimate knowledge of the ins and outs of this impressive album.

Cheater Bonus Album: De-Loused In The Comatorium - The Mars Volta

   Prog rock. Yes, I dabble in a love for some prog rock. A true concept album, De-Loused is the debut full-length of this energetic and talented band that, at times, tests patience yet rewards with epic highs filled with storms of rhythm and riffs that culminate in a singular experience of sound. It's totally nerdy, but also totally worth it.

Super Duper Cheater Bonus Album That I Simply Could Not Live Without And Can't Believe I Nearly Forgot: Passover - The Black Angels

   Austin psych band The Black Angels' first studio full-length album. If you're in the mood for dark and atmospheric rock songs with rhythmic drone, kick-ass bass and drum lines, along with those inventive psychedelic guitar riffs that I so adore, then this is the album for you. I have to admit that I listen to this one at least once a week. I need my dose.

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